Thursday, August 12, 2010

10..9..8..7..Take a deep breath!

I had overheard some guy saying - "She is a girl..She was bound to make it through the interview." And then he said - "All girls are the same.." I made it a point to shout at him and tell him - "Boss..Do tell this to your wife, with whom you are not even able to utter a single word..And here you are behaving like a King showing off your male chauvinistic attitude. Let's just see how great you are, in your life, with that kind of attitude."

I used to bury myself in the pillow to curb the disastrous sonic when I failed to succeed in anything. I mean, how is it possible when you do everthing right and still things don't go your way?!

Me and my friend fought for continuous hours just to prove our points.

I have seen some people cleverly concealing their true intentions or their true self and I used to get real pissed off.

I met another typical flirt and I wished to punch his guts out and tell him..."Boss, You or your charming ways are nothing new to me. You wish to save your life, better run on the marathon track. And don't you dare mess with me."

Typical incidents of my life..where I was brimming with ANGER and found no way out except for figthing back or shouting in a lone room, till my anger cooled off. With the kind of temper I have had, I was always pissed off at something or the other. At first this anger was only meant for the deserving ones but later as it became a habit..I found no way out. I used to get frustated and angry at small things and then brood over my choice of sharp words.."I shouldn't have said that or this..or anything..".

The guilt period after my anger cooled off was much much longer than I imagined even if the other person was wrong. I always thought.."There must be better way of handling things than getting angry and losing control." I hate being out of control. Even my friend's started telling me - "Maybe you are right at times but if you can just be mild in what you say..It would be really great." So, that was it..

I decided that I had to get rid of this temper tantrum. Someone suggested meditation..but with kind of busy state of mind I was impossible. Counting numbers to cool down your anger or any such trick was of no result. I then came upon a book on anger management around 4 years back. I know people would never agree that books can help in any such case but still I thought of giving it a try. And believe me it has worked wonders for me..curbing around 70% of my short temper problem. This book had some very basic facts and things to ponder upon and no special techinques were required to implement them -

We get angry -
When someone has a different view point than ours and is not ready to listen.
Remedy - Always remember the other person is not always wrong. Put yourself in his/her shoes and just learn to appreciate the different opinions of people around you.

We get angry -
When we feel cheated.
Remedy - Try to be extra generous and good with that person and have pity on him/her. Someday or the other, he/she is bound to understand to his/her mistake and will repent. And even if that does not happen, God is there to watch out in time. Forgive and forget. Always wish the best for them..coz what you reap is what you sow.

We get angry -
When things don't go as planned.
Remedy - Be patient, that's the key. Watch out for the master plan which life has in store for us. Just live the present moment and expect nothing less than best in future. Accept the gifts of life happily.

We get angry -
When someone is a hypocrite or is playing games.
Remedy - Try to outsmart that person by reasonable actions and not words. There is no point arguing with such people. Get into his shoes and understand his/her mentality and then just surprise him/her. You can always outsmart people this way.

We get angry -
When we are blamed for something we have not done or we had the best intentions in doing it.
Remedy - If you are at mistake, accept. If not, then don't shout. Just wait for things to settle and give proofs rather than verbal logic. If he/she undertands then well and good. If not then, why should you give a damn when you know you are right.

One more thing, people will never be willing to listen to you when you shout or when you say harsh words. Before telling it out to them, just see, how you feel when you listen to whatever you were going to say.

So, that's the basic slowly, echo your words in your mind and learn to forgive even before someone asks for it. Well.. who knows..this will even boost your ego. :D

I have been trying this all out and it has really worked for me except for some minor havocs. Give it a try if you are also having same.


  1. For the 1st para - Unfortunately thats how few ppl (men or women) comment on the achievements on the opposite sex's success, a pathetic way of hiding their own inability by way of diluting others success
    For all the rest - "Kya baat kya baat kya baat :)"

  2. Yea Kiran..have met many such ppl who talk dat ways..
    But I just pity them now and ignore them..coz nothin can help them out..
    n tanku :)

  3. Yes even i like to follow the same ... But it then depends on different kind of people .. for some people they find it better to burst out there anger rather than going into depression holding the anger inside.

  4. Hmm..Good points here. But difficult to follow, specially the one "When we feel cheated". Tend to go and blast at that person :)

    I think if those initial angry hours are controlled, lot of unnecessary actions can be avoided and can save from the guilt(which is worst :) )

  5. Liju - very true...but guilt factor stays in then..n dats very sad..n bad..
    i mean telling the same thing cooly later in stead of shouting does help..dats what i have tried..

    Rohan - Just once thing..being angry means being out of control..which is not our true self.. ur guilt..whenever u can..even when ur cheated..dats when u need to control more...a test of time..
