Monday, September 6, 2010

Flip Sides!

I am staring at the blank space out of the window.. millions of thoughts cloud my mind. The intensity of the piercing wind magnifies their effect on me.

I am intimidated by the fact that there are some people who never seem to understand what you mean, however hard you try to tell them or maybe you even stop telling them when you get tired. Even years or acquaintance with them would never suffice to make them acknowledge the fact that your intentions were always good. So, I have given up trying with such people and left it all to God. If he is doing it then he will make it right too, in his on time and his own way.

Then.. There are some people whom you meet for the first time or even talk just once.. and you feel the instant connection or what I call the miraculous mental match. These are the people who always have faith in you much more than you have in yourself. They will always stand by you no matter what happens. It’s because of these people that all my fears and uncertainties just vanish in thin air. My life seems so much more beautiful since I have known a lot of them…

Two flip sides of the coin called Life!