"Happening" - That has always been the key word associated with my life by people who love me...
The rest...who love me a little less or maybe equally always say - "Oh God!..you are insane. You screwed up again!" :D
But what can I say?? That's the way I have been living my life ever since.
I have had some of the best times with friends, all outings, parties..gettos..n crazy talks..
Made some worst decisions in life..and hurt people I love..got hurt back in return..only wishing that the next decision will be right..
Made some wackiest possible choices for friends..involving them too in troubles and trials.. but with the intention of making things right..I just hope they will be.
And then..visited the OT twice at the age of 26 :D..surviving major mishaps..Feat achieved and I'm still smiling for the fact that nothing happened to people I love...Thank God!
Seriously..when I lie down and think what all I have seen or experienced till date is too much of "happening stuff", which I have endured only because the prayers of my friends were accompanying me always. It is at these times of crisis that I have realized how much I care for my family and friends.
I love them all for helping me in surviving these tuff times and now I can still tell stories about "the happening life of a mad mad girl"-->>The Adventures of Alice in her wonderland!